Trainings to Offer SMEs


In our experience, providing a robust training series to entrepreneurs and young businesses can greatly increase the capacity for companies to thrive in our portfolio. As such, RENEW has made such trainings requisite for our investment candidates. This section provides you with links to online video training modules and accompanying materials from the Gender-Smart Exec's Program to help guide you and your portfolio companies toward maximal growth. These resources are also available through the Entrepreneur’s Portal.

Materials you will find here include:

The full Executive's Program is 16 sessions in total, broken down into the following categories: 

Habits of Executives

Participants are introduced to the Gender-Smart Exec's Program and trained on the personal habits of top-performing executives.

Strategic Planning 

These sessions are focused on strategic, short-term and long-term planning. The purpose is to teach top-performing executives how to develop and use their plans.

Corporate Governance 

The purpose of this session is to learn about corporate governance, as well as discuss why and how top executives build and use their gender-smart boards. 

Execution and Management Teams

These sessions start to move participants from planning into execution. The program describes the five elements of an execution system, how to develop strong management teams and run effective, gender-smart meetings.

Executive Reporting

This session emphasizes the immense value of reporting and how it builds transparency, confidence and trust with all stakeholders. 

Accounting and Financing 

These sessions walk participants through the critical components of financial analysis and teach CEOs basic skills to monitor, assess and track finances alongside their CFO.

Sales and Marketing

In these sessions, we move beyond the foundational work (planning and execution) to growth strategies through an introduction to the concept of a gender-smart marketing strategy and why sales management is all about discipline. 

Corporate Stewardship (ESG)

This session focuses on corporate stewardship and why and how top executives care for their people and community.

How to be a CEO

This session underscores why a CEO is important for a company, what a good CEO does (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually), and strategies to become a more effective CEO. 

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