Step 2: Deal Analysis


Once you have cleared the initial screening for potential deals, the investment team should begin a deeper analysis of the investment's viability, both financial and impact. This section details the early stages of due-diligence that will provide greater insight into a pipeline company's operations and capacity to succeed under the requisite expectations. The intent of having multiple screening stages is to filter out unviable options as early in the process as possible, thus reducing the overall time and resources a fund manager commits to any one deal. 

The scope of Stage 2: Deal Analysis is from the time the IIC approves the sourced company to the active pipeline, to a company-signed term sheet and the first External IC approval.


Deal Analysis SOP

Deal Analysis Project Plan

Deal Analysis Checklist

e-Confidential Information Memorandum Template

Financial Model Template

Term Sheet Talking Points for Pipeline Companies

Model Term Sheets (Third Party)

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