Step 5: Portfolio Value Creation
This stage serves as a guide to help fund managers build their portfolio companies’ management systems and teams in order to maximize the likelihood of successful growth plan execution, becoming a gender-smart market leader and company integration with other portfolio companies.
In order to maximize the potential success of a portfolio company, we have found it beneficial to take hands-on ownership of operations during the initial stage of the investment. Bringing in management, financial and marketing expertise to build a company's internal capacities greatly increases their chance of success. In this section, you will find tools and procedures to conduct this capacity development and return management to a well-trained internal team.
Portfolio Value Creation Steps
Project Management Tools
Corporate Governance Tools
CDC ESG Toolkit: Company Environmental & Social Management Systems (ESMS) (Third Party)
Board Diversity Charter (Third Party)
Finance & Accounting Tools
How-To Guide for Creating a Business Budget (Third Party)
A Guide to the IFRS for SMEs (Third Party)
IFRS for SMEs Standards Supporting Materials (Third Party)
IFRS for SMEs Modules (Third Party)
Setting up A Finance Department (Third Party)
Human Resources Tools
E-Myth: Creating Your Organization Chart Guide (Third Party)
CDC Gender Toolkit: Gender Diversity (Third Party)
CDC Gender Toolkit: Tackling Unconscious Bias (Third Party)
CDC Gender Toolkit: Gender Neutral Job Descriptions (Third Party)
CDC Gender Toolkit: Gender Pay Gap Analysis (Third Party)
Value for Women: Communications & Gender Checklist: Things to Consider (Third Party)
Sales & Marketing Tools Seven Essential Elements of a Marketing Plan (Third Party)
First Round Interview: Leslie's Compass: A Framework for Go-To-Market Strategy (Third Party)
BCG: Closing the Gender Gap in Sales Leadership ( Third Party)
HBR: How to Improve Your Sales Skills, Even If You're Not a Salesperson (Third Party)
Monitoring & Evaluation Tools