Step 7: Marketing & Sales

Session 13 and 14

In these sessions, we move beyond the foundational work (planning and execution) to growth-oriented topics.

Materials you will find here include:

  • Lesson curriculum, recordings and Powerpoint presentations

  • Marketing Assessment Tool (Session 13)

  • Seven Essential Elements of a Marketing Plan (Session 13)

  • Leslie’s Compass (Third party resource) (Session 13)

  • Market Segmentation (Third party resource) (Session 13)

  • Sales Pipeline Template (Session 14)

  • Third Party Sales and Marketing Resources (discussed in Sessions 13 and 14) 


We start by introducing the concept of marketing strategy. We explain that most marketing is done in an uncoordinated way and not linked to a simple strategy (i.e., quality, cost or service). Once the “strategy” is defined, then marketing plans are developed that align with the overall strategy. We then provide a deep dive into three types of strategies. 

 Session 14: SALES MASTERY

The second session focuses on sales – why sales management is all about discipline and managing a sales pipeline (B2B), or managing an effective distribution network (B2C). Participants are introduced to the concept of a sales pipeline, how to use it, how to forecast with it and how to drive increased sales.
