Step 3: Corporate Governance

Session 4

The purpose of this session is to learn about corporate governance, as well as why and how top executives build and use their boards.

Materials you will find here include:

  • Lesson curriculum, recording and Powerpoint presentation

  • Running Effective Board Meetings SOP

  • Governance Scorecard

  • Setting Up and Managing a Gender Smart Board

  • Third Party Resources and Templates


The session begins with a recap helping executives understand where we are in the curriculum and how all of the corporate disciplines tie back to personal habits. The session then moves into a team exercise where participants are asked to share the results of their assignment from Session #3, which is their annual management plan. Then the session moves into the why, what and how of corporate governance. A special emphasis is made around the importance of building gender diversity into the board. Specifically, participants are trained on the different governing documents that inform how they, as managers and owners, should steward the resources of the company and the capital from their shareholders. Also, special emphasis is put on transparent reporting in managing board meetings. Finally, time is devoted to the importance of feedback and why managers with diverse boards ultimately receive better advice and better coaching in order to successfully grow their business and attract and retain talent.  
